Should you celebrate Christmas at work?
Not everybody loves Christmas. Before you start throwing tinsel over desks, spare a thought for those who don't like to celebrate Christmas at work.
The five most difficult HR decisions
This wonderful guest post by Streetwise HR looks at the five most difficult HR decisions faced by businesses today, from downsizing and recruitment to bullying.
14 misconceptions about millennials
Lots of people think that millennials are lazy, self-centred and entitled. Here are 14 of the most common misconceptions you might have heard about millennials.
6 performance management cartoons to brighten your day
Here are 6 of our favourite funny cartoons about performance management. Each cartoon teaches us an important lesson we can apply in the workplace.
What does “blended workforce” mean?
Roughly 30% of workers are contractors, freelancers and part-timers. What does it mean to manage a blended workforce? And what challenges should you expect?
The Most Important HR Metrics You Should be Measuring
HR metrics quantify various aspects of the workforce to help optimise performance and inform HR decision making. Read on to find valuable HR metrics to track.